The Holy Week the world knows is full of lies, a perpetuation of false teachings. It is not holy at all.
The belief that Y’shua died on a Friday and resurrected at dawn of Sunday is biblically inaccurate.
40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. MATTHEW 12
31 …He must be killed and after three days rise again. MARK 8
Three days and three nights in the grave are equivalent to 72 hours. The belief of interment near sunset of Friday and resurrection at dawn of Sunday is only equivalent to 36 hours.
Which brings us to our next point: Seventy-two hours means the resurrection would occur at more or less the same time of day the interment was made. Interment near sunset (as pronounced in Matthew 27:57, Luke 23:52-54, John 19:42) should result in the resurrection occurring near sunset. The belief of the resurrection occurring at dawn would be incorrect.
Seventy-two hours means if the interment were made on Friday, the resurrection should have occurred near sunset of Monday. But that is not what happened. No resurrection occurred near sunset of Monday, not even near sunset of Sunday. Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of James, and Salome went to anoint Y’shua’s body dawn of Sunday but it was no longer in the grave.
5 As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man [Matthew 28:5 says he was an angel] dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. 6 “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Y’shua the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen. He is not here.” MARK 16
Now read the resurrection accounts (Matthew 28:1-7, Mark 16:1-7, Luke 24:1-8, John 20:1-9). It is important that you do because nowhere in them is it said that Y’shua resurrected at dawn of Sunday. The churches that say He did are making wrongful assumption. Why? Because then the time between interment and resurrection would more or less be 60 hours or some 12 hours less than 72.
If the resurrection did not occur near sunset of Sunday or at dawn of Sunday, then the next likely scenario is that it occurred near sunset of Saturday. Let us consider this. Count three days and three nights backwards. Day 3 in the grave would be near sunset of Friday to near sunset of Saturday. Day 2 would be near sunset of Thursday to near sunset of Friday. Day 1 would be near sunset of Wednesday to near sunset of Thursday. Y’shua dying and being interred near sunset of Wednesday would fit the historical fact that the Passover in 31 ad—the year of His death—fell on a Wednesday.
Is 31 ad indeed the year of His death? Yes, it is. Y’shua began His ministry soon after John the Baptist began his, which is “in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar” (Luke 3:1), between August of 28 ad and August of 29 ad. Y’shua’s ministry lasted 3-1/2 years. Add 3-1/2 years to 28 ad and we get to 31 ad.
Timeline of the Death and Resurrection
Nisan 14 | Nisan 15 | Nisan 16 | Nisan 17 | ||||||||||||||
Passover Feast--Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset | Seventh-Day Sabbath & Feast of Unleavened Bread--Wednesday sunset to Thursday sunset | Feast of Firstfruits--Thursday sunset to Friday sunset | Friday sunset to Saturday sunset | ||||||||||||||
INTERMENT near sunset Wednesday | RESURRECTION near sunset Saturday | ||||||||||||||||
Day 1 in Grave | Day 2 in Grave | Day 3 in Grave | |||||||||||||||
Near sunset Wednesday to near sunset Thursday | Near sunset Thursday to near sunset Friday | Near sunset Friday to near sunset Saturday | |||||||||||||||
What are the implications of the above FINDINGS to our religious beliefs and practices?
The belief of Y’shua dying on a Friday is incorrect. His death happened on a Wednesday, on a Sabbath day called Passover Feast. His body was interred near sunset of that particular Wednesday.
Passover Feast is Nisan 14 in God’s calendar. This year 2011 Nisan 14 is April 16 (Saturday). Nisan 1 (the first day of the first month in God’s calendar) is April 3. Thus April 16 is the proper day to commemorate Y’shua’s death, not April 22 (Friday) as tradition wants us to believe.
John 19:31 says the Passover was followed by a “high day” (John 19:31). High day (also called “special Sabbath”) is the biblical term when an annual Sabbath begins or ends on a Seventh-Day Sabbath. On April 17 (Sunday), the annual Sabbath called Feast of Unleavened Bread falls on the same day with the Seventh-Day Sabbath.
Unknown to most men, four Sabbath days occurred during the period between the interment and the resurrection. Wednesday was the Passover; Thursday, the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Seventh-Day Sabbath; and Friday, the Feast of Firstfruits. The common translation of Matthew 28:1 says, “The women went back to the tomb after the Sabbath.” But Herbert Armstrong noted that in the Greek text, the word is in the plural and that Ferrar Fenton’s version of “after the Sabbaths” renders it correctly. The women resting during the four Sabbath days must be the basis for our observance of the Holy Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Holy Friday and Holy Saturday.
Holy Saturday has Sabado de Gloria and Black Saturday. They do not contradict each other. Inasmuch as Y’shua resurrected near sunset of Saturday, this makes near sunset of Saturday to near midnight of Sunday Sabado de Gloria. Before the resurrection--the period Saturday midnight to near sunset--is Black Saturday.
Traditionally, Filipino children are told on Good Friday, “Sshhhh. Don’t be noisy. Let us mourn the death of God.” Please, don’t do that. First of all, strictly speaking, it was not God who died but the Son of Man. Secondly, the Passover is a festive, joyous occasion. God intervening in our affairs and our passing over from the realm of the dead to the realm of the living are good enough reasons for us to celebrate. Leave the mourning to the demonic forces. Thirdly, the death did not happen on a Friday. Daniel 9:26, 27 is correct in prophesying that the Messiah would be cut off “in the midst of the week.”
The practice of commemorating Y’shua’s death on a Friday is biblically inaccurate. Contrary to common belief, the Passover is not fixed on “Good Friday"; it may fall on other days of the week depending on the calendar year.
Y’shua rose from the dead just as He said He would (Matthew 28:6).
16 In a little while you will see Me no more, and then after a little while you will see Me. JOHN 16
63 After three days I will rise again. MATTHEW 27
The belief that the resurrection occurred on Sunday is utterly wrong. Likewise, the belief of holding on to Sunday as the day for worship service “because it was the glorious day of resurrection.” The resurrection occurred on Saturday. It is wise to break the habit of holding on to Sunday as the day for worship service.
What about Matthew 16:21, 17:23 and 1 Corinthians 15:4? They say that Y’shua rose “on the third day,” not after three days. Our belief is that textual alterations were made to align Y’shua with pagan gods Phoenix and Osiris who were said to have resurrected on the third day. Anyway, if Y’shua did rise on the third day, the resurrection would fall on a Friday. If that were the case then the claim that He resurrected on a Sunday would walk farther from the truth.
Sunday Observance. Churchgoers are doing Sunday without questioning why. It is about sun-worship, which Deuteronomy 4:19 says is detestable to God. They must revert back to the seventh day as the day for their weekly sacred assembly.
3 You must observe My Sabbaths. LEVITICUS 19
20 Keep My Sabbaths holy. EZEKIEL 20
Sunday observance began when God’s decree was superseded by a human decree. The Roman emperor Constantine the Great issued an edict on March 7, 321 AD fixing observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath on Sundays. Constantine decreed under penalty of death that all artisans, merchants and people of his empire should cease work on the Day of the Sun.
The Romans were sun-worshipers. To them the emperor was sun-god enthroned in a human body. It was a weekly ritual of sun-worshipers to assemble at dawn on Sunday to greet the sun at its rising. They considered everyone who did not worship the sun to be an atheist and a traitor.
Constantine’s historian, Eusebius of Caesarea, recorded the edict as saying, “All things what so ever that it was duty to do on Sabbath, these we have transferred to the Lord’s Day.”
Lord’s Day? In the Scripture it is a reference to the Second Coming of Y’shua. Obviously Constantine’s edict was not referring to it. Its “Lord’s Day” is no doubt a euphemism for the Day of the Sun.
29 We must obey God rather than men! ACTS 5
Exhortation. The false teachings on Y’shua’s death, burial and resurrection must be dishonored and given eternal rest. Everyone must be told the truth and must practice the truth. Those who profess to be followers of “the Truth, the Way and the Life” must stop believing lies and peddling lies. Those who worship God in spirit and in truth are the kind of worshipers God seeks (John 4:23).
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