Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Sabbath observance is so important to man that God included it in the Ten Commandments. The observance has four elements: Rest, Sacred Assembly, Feasting, and Concelebration of LOVE. It is not complete if an element is missing. So let us be careful not to give the demons of confusion, lethargy and laziness the satisfaction of keeping us from observing all four.

Shabbat comes from shavat Hebrew verb meaning “to rest or cease from labor.”
21 Be careful not to carry a load on the Sabbath day or bring it through the gates of Jerusalem. 22 Do not bring a load out of your houses or do any work on the Sabbath, but keep the Sabbath day holy, as I commanded your forefathers. JEREMIAH 17 
21 Even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest. EXODUS 34 
12 Do no work, so that your ox and your donkey may rest and the slave born in your household, and the alien as well, may be refreshed. EXODUS 23
In Genesis 3:17, 19 God said to man, “Cursed is the ground because of (your disobedience); through painful toil you will eat of it… By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground.” But the introduction of Sabbath has the effect of God easing the curse: “At certain days of the year, rest from toiling the ground (earning a living) for I will take care of your personal and family needs.”
He who observes the Sabbath Day will be recompensed.
29 Don’t they realize that I am giving them twice as much on the sixth day, so that there will be enough for two days? For the Lord has given you the seventh day as a day of Sabbath rest. EXODUS 16 tlb
He who observes the Sabbath Year will be recompensed.
3 For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops. 4 But in the seventh year the land is to have a Sabbath of rest, a Sabbath to the Lord. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards. 5 Do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the grapes of your untended vines. The land is to have a year of rest… 20 You may ask, ‘What shall we eat in the seventh year if we do not plant or harvest crops?’ 21 I will send you with such a blessing in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years. 22 While you plant during the eighth year, you will eat from the old crop and will continue to eat from it until the harvest of the ninth year comes in. LEVITICUS 25
No one has to say, “If we observe the Sabbath, who would attend to our needs?” Because God will. He keeps His promises (1 Corinthians 10:13 tev).   
13 If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath, and from doing as you please on My holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord’s holy day honorable; and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, 14 then you will find joy in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob. The mouth of the Lord has spoken. ISAIAH 58
Sacred Assembly
Sabbath is essentially a holy rest to the Lord (Exodus 35:2, Exodus 20:8). It enjoins the humankind—yes, not only us but the collective whole—to hold sacred assembly.     
2 The seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the Lord. EXODUS 35
Why Go to Church. What are we doing here?—perhaps you have asked yourself this while attending sacred assembly. The answers are all of the following:
§  To be sanctified (meaning “be set apart”) from the false worshipers and be distinguished as children of God and members of His Church.
§  To have the privilege of an intimate audience with God, to thank and glorify Him for our blessings of the week, to praise and worship His Most Holy Name.
§  To worship as a corporate body.
§  To submit to God the corporate petitions of the Church and the church.
§  To hear the Word of God for the week and be taught its proper interpretation (Nehemiah 8:8, Luke4:15-27).
§  To enjoy LOVE-fellowship and concelebration with God, our families and churchmates.
§  For the weak, the weary, the persecuted, the hurt, the abused, the downtrodden, the broken-hearted, the perplexed, the downcast, and the sick to be refreshed, encouraged and renewed (Isaiah 40:31).
§  To have an indication, rehearsal and foretaste of the Sabbath rest that awaits the children of God in heaven.  
Where to Hold Sacred Assembly. Go to the chapel or church house where the name of Y’shua dwells, where sacred assembly is held at its appointed time, and where 100% obedience is promoted.
How to Hold Sacred Assembly. The prisoners, the sick, the infirm, the elderly, and their caretakers are excused from attending. Likewise, those who must report for military and police duty on that day. And those who are physically distant from the chapel or church house.
If you are one of them and alone, don’t waste the day, however; use it to advance your soul growth. Do Sabbath observance on your own. Start by saying a prayer. Open your Bible and read a chapter or two. Take note of the verses that strike you. Meditate on its meaning. Do your best to understand what is being said like a soldier getting a direct order from your superior officer. Then do praise and worship especially because you are privileged to have received a direct order from God and can do it.
If two or more of you come together for sacred assembly, the following activities are recommended:
§  Welcome one another, especially the newcomers if any. Greet each other Shalom!
§  Do praise and worship. Dance if you feel like dancing to the Lord.
§  Testify to the blessings you received during the week. Sing together a thanksgiving song.
§  Recite the shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
§  Read from the Scripture and teach its proper interpretation.
§  Teach about tithes and offerings. Collect them and sing a thanksgiving song while doing so. Bring the collection to the altar. Pray for God to accept them and to bless the tithers.
§  Submit your corporate petitions. 
§  Bring the sick, the possessed and the burdened before the altar. Lay your hands over them and do intercessory prayer for them.
§  Pray a closing prayer. Read the Benediction (Numbers 6:22-27). Sing a closing song.  
§  Pray for God to bless the Sabbath meal.
§  Feast and fellowship with God and neighbor.

Sabbath days are appointed feasts (Leviticus 23:4). Fiesta is Spanish for feast. All Sabbaths are fiesta days except for the Day of Atonement. The blessings we receive and God with us are good enough reasons for feasting. Feasting is not complete without music, games, merrymaking and laughter. Nehemiah 8:10 says there must be “choice foods and sweet drinks.” We are to eat our tithes and offerings (Deuteronomy 12:6-7, 14:23, 15:19-20). If they are yet in the form of money, Deuteronomy 14:26 tells us to some buy “beef, lamb, wine, beer” with it. Oh yes, wine and beer may be served, but nobody should get drunk or unruly (1 Corinthians 11:22). God in our midst (Matthew 18:20) should be respected at all times.
Churches nowadays collect the tithes and offerings and afterwards send the tithers away hungry and thirsty. This should not be the case. It’s unbiblical and a malpractice. The tithers are to eat their tithes and offerings with their families, churchmates, church workers and the less fortunate among them (Deuteronomy 12:18).
Sabbath feasting is a shadow of the 1,000 years of feasting God has prepared in heaven. He has sent out His co-workers to the ends of the earth to relay His invitation to everyone. He is hoping that all of us would feast with Him.  
16 A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. 17 At the time of the banquet he sent his servants to tell those who had been invited, “Come, for everything is now ready.” 18 But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, “I have just bought a field. I must go and see it. Please excuse me.” 19 Another said, “I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I am on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.” 20 Still another said, “I just got married, so I can’t come.” 21 The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry. LUKE 14
This is what God has to say to those who would not feast with Him: “They shall never enter My rest” (Hebrews 4:3).
Concelebration of Love
In the Philippines Sunday is popularly held as “Sabbath” day. The morning is used for cleaning house, washing the laundry, buying food and cooking. Some souls go to church for an hour or two. The afternoon is reserved for watching TV or films, shopping, dating, gossiping, gambling or getting drunk. But Sabbath should be spent in a different fashion. Sabbath is for concelebrating—bonding and spending quality time with God and neighbor.
The word concelebrating comes from two Latin words celebrare (celebrate) and cum (with). Encarta defines “celebrate” as
1.       vti show happiness: to show happiness that something good or special has happened, by doing such things as eating and drinking together or playing music
2.       vt mark an occasion: to mark a special occasion or day by ceremonies or festivities
3.       vti perform a religious ceremony: to perform a religious ceremony according to the prescribed forms
4.       vt praise something: to praise something publicly or make it famous
Nobody can do concelebration alone. This is why we refrain from observing the Sabbath by watching the sacred assembly on TV. Don’t do it if you can help it. That’s for the sick and the elderly who cannot attend in the physical. 
Concelebration with God. Physical eyes do not see it but during sacred assembly, our souls are, in fact, transported to the heavenly realm and seated to feast with God. Nothing should be more welcome and exciting. There is superabundance of infectious LOVE, inner joy and festivity in the air. Open your vessel and you would be filled to overflowing. This is how spiritual refreshment and renewal come about. Perhaps this explains why on Sabbath days the Israelites (the descendants of Jacob, whom God renamed Isra’el) walked briskly in going to their synagogues and walked very slowly after the sacred assembly. 
If you are water-baptized, that should mean you would get to enjoy both communion of LOVE and concelebration of LOVE with God, wow!
Now, have you seen someone being critical, irritable or angry before, during or after the sacred assembly? Or was it you? Well, being critical, irritable or angry is not the Sabbath spirit. Its spirit is LOVE. Take a dip and you get wet with LOVE all over, so wet that you should turn into an infectious virus of LOVE for one whole week! Nothing should be able to disturb your serenity. Nothing should make you critical or irritable or angry. If the sacred assembly does not turn you into a LOVE-virus, better check what is wrong.
Concelebration with Neighbor. This means keeping busy with LOVE-works inside and outside of the church, the whole day. Scripture speaks of Sabbath day, not Sabbath hour.
LOVE-works do not violate the Sabbath. Y’shua did it by going to synagogues, fellowshipping with its members, reading from the Scripture, teaching its proper interpretation, and doing healing.
The healing ministry would often get Him into trouble with the religious authorities. Why? Because they thought He was desecrating the Sabbath, it being a day of rest. The religious authorities even considered stoning Him to death. For it is written: “Anyone who desecrates the Sabbath must be put to death” (Exodus 31:14); “the whole assembly must stone him outside the camp” (Numbers 15:35).
But did He desecrate the Sabbath? The answer is No. To give us a hint on what He was doing, He said the Sabbath rites on circumcision (Luke 1:59, 2:21) and of preparing and cooking food (Numbers 28:9-10 and Leviticus 24:5-9) involved doing work, but no blame was attached to the Temple priests who did them (Matthew 12:5). Why? Because their activities were LOVE-works. 
To give us another hint, the Son of Man said, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:26).
14 Indignant because Y’shua had healed on the Sabbath, the synagogue ruler said to the people, “There are six days for work. Come and be healed on those days, not on the Sabbath.” 15 The Lord answered him, “You hypocrites! Doesn’t each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or donkey from the stall and lead it out to give it water? 16 Then should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Lucifer has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?” LUKE 13
4 Then Y’shua asked them, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to help or to harm? To do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?” But they remained silent. 5 Y’shua looked around at them with anger… deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts. MARK 3
11 He said to them, “If any of you has a sheep and it fell into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? 12 How much more valuable is a man than a sheep! Therefore, it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath… 6 I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. 7 If you had known what these words mean, I desire mercy [LOVE], not sacrifice, you would not have condemned the innocent.” MATTHEW 12
Y’shua was overheard one night to have prayed, “Abba, they are angry and mindful to kill Me, for I work for You on the Sabbath and call You Abba. Make them understand that LOVE-works are not a violation of Sabbath. Make them understand that the propagation and perpetuation of LOVE should primarily motivate Sabbath observance.” (cf. Gospel of Barnabas)
Y’shua is the Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8). He never rests from producing fruits of LOVE (John 5:17). To Him the Sabbath is the best occasion for building LOVE-relationships.
Contrary to the accusations made against Him, He never desecrated the Sabbath for the simple reason that He had made His Word a law even unto Himself (Isaiah 46:11). It was His accusers who desecrated the day. and deserved to die. They made an unholy judgment on the Innocent. They violated Ezekiel 20:20 which says “Keep My Sabbaths holy”. Fortunately for them, the New Covenant has ushered in the Age of Grace and deferred the practice of putting Sabbath-breakers to death.
2 Blessed is the man… who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it, and keeps his hand from doing any evil. ISAIAH 56
It makes sense to observe the Sabbaths as God commanded for they come from a very practical God. He requires us to observe day of rest and sanctification because we all need rest and refreshing one day a week. He tells the church leaders to feed their flocks (“They do not need to go away hungry. You give them something to eat”—Matthew 14:16) because He knows our bodies would be hungry at the end of the sacred assembly. He is recompensing us because Sabbath observance would mean our stopping from earning a living. Sabbath observance is made mandatory because the demonic forces would oppose it; He is prompting us to overcome the opposition. 
31 If you hold on to My teaching, you really are My disciples. JOHN 8
16 Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. JEREMIAH 6

Not true. In reference to the future destruction of Jerusalem, Y’shua said, “And pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath” (Matthew 24:20). This indicates that He expected the Sabbaths to be kept subsequent His death.
Sabbath-keeping is “a lasting ordinance for the generations to come” (Numbers 15:15). Danny Shelton & Shelley Quinn said that in Hebrew Aramaic Sha means eternal one. Ab, the root word of Abba, means father. Bat or bet means house of or sign of. Combined as Shabbat (Hebrew for Sabbath), they pack a powerful testimony: Sign of the eternal Father. (Ten Commandments Twice Removed, p. 102)
13 [Sabbath observance] will be a sign between Me and you and the generations to come. EXODUS 31 
God was the type who would do what ought to be done. If the divine intention were to stop Sabbath observance, then He would have pronounced so. But what happened was the opposite. In the person of Y’shua He made it His custom to observe the Sabbaths (Luke 4:16). He even made pilgrimages to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Harvest and the Feast of Tabernacles at the Jerusalem Temple, in obedience of Deuteronomy 16:16. He set an example for us to emulate.
Having said that, if the Son of God did not exempt Himself from observing the Sabbaths, why should anyone be exempted?
If it were true that Sabbath-keeping is no longer necessary, the early Christians would have stopped in observing the Sabbaths. On the contrary, Luke 23:56 says they “rested on the Sabbath” while preparing Y’shua’s body for burial. The Acts of the Apostles made eight references to their holding sacred assembly on Sabbath: Acts 1:18, 13:14, 13:27, 13:42-44, 15:21, 16:13, 17:2 and 18:4. Historically speaking, they openly observed the Sabbaths until 356 ad or at least for some 320 years.
9 There is a full complete rest still waiting for the people of God. 10 The Messiah has already entered there. He is resting from His work, just as God did after the creation. 11 Let us do our best to go into that place of rest, too, being careful not to disobey God. HEBREWS 4 tlb
Wikipedia said the literal translation of Hebrews 4:9 is “Therefore a Sabbath observance has been left behind for the people of God.”
Daily worship is correct. God is up and accessible 24/7. He can be worshiped on Sabbath days and on non-Sabbath days. The Law does not prohibit it; in fact, God looks forward to it.
23 “From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before Me,” says the Lord. ISAIAH 66
But doing personal worship everyday does not take away our obligation to participate in corporate worship. Personal worship may be done anywhere but corporate worship must be held, as much as possible, at the church where the name of Y’shua dwells and where 100% obedience is promoted.   
God is the one who requested the Sabbath appointments. He has been longing to gather His children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings (Matthew 23:37). Our response to His request illustrates our relationship with Him.  
5 One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. ROMANS 14
In response to God's request, most of the Israelites have gone to the extent of fasting after sundown and waiting until the corporate worship is over before they eat again.
23 This is what the Lord commanded: Tomorrow is to be a day of rest, a holy Sabbath to the Lord. So bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Save whatever is left and keep it until morning… 29 Bear in mind that the Lord has given you the Sabbath; that is why on the sixth day He gives you bread for two days. Everyone is to stay where he is on the seventh day; no one is to go out. EXODUS 16

        Previous Post IT’S SABBATHS, NOT SABBATH

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